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trading is a point of view. part 1

Saturday, April 5, 2008

greeting to all traders.

its weekends and certainly a nothing to do days for most of the traders.
well for me, i usually use my weekends to do simulation on past data and test my trading system.

Part i

lots of trader out there are searching for a so called perfect trading system AKA holly grail. is that possible? i will answer it later in part ii

for the past 1 year and 6 months i have been into this profession - part time trader. the greatest thing i learn throughout the short period of my trading experience is
" market is our point of view" .

different trader has a different point of view towards the market. below are some of the list i came out with. i will only use two traders to illustrate my example. trader Briana (female) and trader Chase (male)

first example: the market in term of animal kingdom:

Briana: "for me, the forex market is like a tiger, it keeps on preying you! so
Chase : " erm market is like a snake, you need to master it before you can let
the snake perform for you"

second example: the market in term of the natures:

Briana: " market is like someone surf on the Hawaiians coast, the waves moves in
total random direction. "
Chase : " market is like a hill, you get really tired when you walking up,
but its become easy when you walk down the hill.

third example: the market in term of science:

Briana: " what goes up, must come down"
Chase : " the market is like a fairly distributed probabilities"

forth example: the market in term of human mind set:

Briana: " you cannot make a living trading forex"
Chase : " trading is my passion, my lifestyle and something i really enjoy doing"

fifth example: when it come to technical analysis:

Briana: "when my moving average crossed,i will open a post.
Chase : " when the price break my support trendline, i will short"

you see, the way how 2 different traders can come out with their own point of view towards the market. it happened to me as a newly involve trader.

so people see the chart in hundred of ways. and people trade in many ways.
that makes the market is unique, patten in the market can be continuous, but i don't believe to have a certain tool or what people called it a black box which is an unbeatable system in the market or worst to says a system that has zero loss. what the heck man!

when emotion involve, it makes trading tougher to handle. and make the market to be equally harmonic and creative. but i consider calling it a beauty of the chart that make mastering the market ( im not saying to conquer the market) is an art to be learn.

so the bottom line is, with hundred different point of views, and with the blend of human emotion involve, it generate thinking of some people that see the as a tiger, waves, uncertainty, total randomness or chaos.

ok, im done typing, actually i can type fast, but i don't prefer to type for long hours. so i will continue with my sharing on part ii.


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