The Foreign Exchange Interbank Market
Friday, October 31, 2008
New traders suffer a severe disadvantage because they do not understand what moves the
market and how to react to certain outcomes. When attempting to learn, the overflow of
information out there can be both beneficial and disastrous.
take a look at a general overview of the interbank
market and how it works. It baffles me that such a large portion of retail traders out there
have no clue of this structure, and it’s no wonder why so many of them lose money on a
regular basis. Deficiency of knowledge in any endeavor is usually going to lead to failure.
Understand what you are trading before you trade it, and then move on.
-BRV S+R Trading e-book
so to really understand what makes the currency market please take a look at the article linked below
the foreign exchange interbank market
the article is written by Kathy Lien, Chief Strategist of FXCM
sub topic include
2)who makes the price
3)how do banks determine the price
4)how does a bank offset risk
have a nice day!
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